Aarti of Ram Lalla 

पर purva gudekar द्वारा प्रकाशित

Aarti Ram Lala Ki

Ram Lala

Ram Ram to all of you! Today we are talking about Aarti of Ram Lalla . Lord Ram is known as Maryada Purushottam. His life is an example of ideals and devotion to duty. In Hindu religion, Lord Rama is considered the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is revered as an ideal king, son, brother and husband. By worshiping him one attains happiness, peace, success and salvation in life.

Importance of Aarti Ram Lalla

Performing Aarti Ram Lalla regularly provides many benefits to the devotees, which include:

  • Receiving blessings:  It is believed that performing aarti of Lord Ram brings his blessings. This brings positive energy into life and gives peace to the mind.
  • Reminding of dharma and duty:  From the life of Lord Rama we get the lesson of dharma and dutifulness. Performing his Aarti reminds us of his ideals and inspires us to adopt them in our lives.
  • Purification of mind:  It is believed that the pure light of Aarti purifies the environment and gives positivity to the mind.
  • Removal of sufferings:  It is believed that aarti performed with true devotion removes the sufferings of the devotees and fulfills their wishes.

puja material

To perform Aarti of Ram Lalla you will need the following things:

  • Plate : A platform or plate on which you can keep the worship material.
  • Deepak (Diya) : A lamp in which you can burn ghee or oil.
  • Cotton : Make a cotton wick in the lamp.
  • Ghee : Use pure ghee.
  • Camphor : Burn camphor to start the Aarti.
  • Vermillion : Apply vermillion to the idol.
  • Betel leaf : Offer betel leaf to Lord Rama.
  • Flowers : Offer Tulsi or any auspicious flower to Lord Rama.
  • Fruits : Offer them to Lord Rama.
  • Sandalwood paste : If you want, you can apply sandalwood paste to Lord Ram.
  • Panchamrit : Offer Panchamrit made of milk, curd, honey, sugar and ghee.
  • Incense sticks : The aroma of incense purifies the atmosphere.

Hindu ritual of worship

आरती कीजे श्रीरामलला की ।
पूण निपुण धनुवेद कला की ॥धनुष वान कर सोहत नीके ।
शोभा कोटि मदन मद फीके ॥

सुभग सिंहासन आप बिराजैं ।
वाम भाग वैदेही राजैं ॥

कर जोरे रिपुहन हनुमाना ।
भरत लखन सेवत बिधि नाना ॥

शिव अज नारद गुन गन गावैं ।
निगम नेति कह पार न पावैं ॥

नाम प्रभाव सकल जग जानैं ।
शेष महेश गनेस बखानैं ॥

भगत कामतरु पूरणकामा ।
दया क्षमा करुना गुन धामा ॥

सुग्रीवहुँ को कपिपति कीन्हा ।
राज विभीषन को प्रभु दीन्हा ॥

खेल खेल महु सिंधु बधाये ।
लोक सकल अनुपम यश छाये ॥

दुर्गम गढ़ लंका पति मारे ।
सुर नर मुनि सबके भय टारे ॥

देवन थापि सुजस विस्तारे ।
कोटिक दीन मलीन उधारे ॥

कपि केवट खग निसचर केरे ।
करि करुना दुःख दोष निवेरे ॥

देत सदा दासन्ह को माना ।
जगतपूज भे कपि हनुमाना ॥

आरत दीन सदा सत्कारे ।
तिहुपुर होत राम जयकारे ॥

कौसल्यादि सकल महतारी ।
दशरथ आदि भगत प्रभु झारी ॥

सुर नर मुनि प्रभु गुन गन गाई ।
आरति करत बहुत सुख पाई ॥

धूप दीप चन्दन नैवेदा ।
मन दृढ़ करि नहि कवनव भेदा ॥

राम लला की आरती गावै ।
राम कृपा अभिमत फल पावै ॥

आरती समाप्त।

Method of performing Aarti Ram Lalla

Now let us know how the Aarti of Ram Lala is performed. Aarti is an important Hindu ritual which is an integral part of the worship of God. It involves swinging a ghee lamp in front of the idol of the deity and singing devotional songs.

Here’s how you can perform Ram Lalla Aarti at home:

  1. Light the lamp:  First of all, clean the place of worship. Put ghee or oil wick in the lamp and light it.
  2. Prepare the idol:  If there is an idol of Lord Ram Lala, then you should bathe him and dress him in clean clothes. Then apply vermilion tilak to them and worship them with other worship materials.
  3. Do Achamana:  Take some water, hold it in your hand three times while chanting the mantra and drink it. This is called Achamana and is done as a symbol of purity.
  4. Invoke:  You can invoke Hanuman ji along with Lord Ram, Sita ji and Lakshman ji to sit at your place of worship.
  5. Pray:  Prayers to Lord Rama should be done with humility and a dedicated heart. You can chant any famous bhajan, shloka or mantra of Lord Ram.
  6. Perform Aarti:  Light camphor and rotate the lamp in your hand in front of God. Chant the aarti mantra given above. You can also ring bells or conch while performing Aarti.
  7. Offer flowers:  Offer flowers to Lord Rama and pay obeisance.
  8. Accept Prasad:  At the end of Aarti, distribute Prasad to family and friends, also accept Prasad yourself.

Popular stories

There are many popular stories related to the life of Lord Rama. Among these, the story of Ramayana is the most important. Ramayana is an epic which describes the life of Lord Rama. Some other popular stories are:

Sita Swayamvar: Lord Ram’s bravery and marriage with Sita ji

The story of Sita Swayamvara is one of the most famous episodes of Ramayana. This story describes the bravery of Lord Rama and his marriage with Sita.


King Janak of Janakpuri organized a swayamvara for his daughter Sita. A condition was laid in the Swayamvar that whoever could pick up the huge bow of Lord Shiva and shoot its arrow would become the husband of Sita ji.

All the princes across the country participated in this swayamvar, but no one was successful in lifting the bow. At last, Lord Rama picked up the bow and shot its arrow with great ease. All the princes present were surprised by this.

After this, King Janak solemnized the marriage of Lord Ram and Sita. This marriage was celebrated even by the gods.

Importance of story:

The story of Sita Swayamvar is a symbol of the might of Lord Ram and his dignity. This story teaches us that even impossible tasks can be achieved with determination and hard work.

Some teachings of Sita Swayamvar:

  • Confidence:  Lord Rama had confidence in his abilities and attempted to lift the bow. We should also have confidence in our life and be ready to face challenges.
  • Patience:  Lord Rama waited patiently for his turn and when his turn came he surprised everyone by picking up the bow. We should also remain patient in life and keep trying for success.
  • Dignity:  Lord Ram followed dignity towards everyone in Swayamvar. We should also follow decorum in our lives and respect others.

Bharat Milap: Triumph of brotherhood and love

The story of Bharat Milap is one of the most poignant episodes of Ramayana. This story describes the undying love between Lord Rama and his brother Bharat.


When Lord Rama was ordered into exile, his younger brother Bharat refused to accept the throne. He said that he could not become king without Lord Rama. Bharat decided to meet Lord Rama in the forest, taking the feet of Rama.

Upon meeting him in the forest, Bharat fell at the feet of Lord Rama and requested him to return to Ayodhya. Lord Rama explained to Bharat that he would have to complete his exile. After this, Bharat kept Lord Rama’s feet with him and returned to Ayodhya and started ruling the kingdom.

Importance of story:

The story of Bharat Milap is a symbol of the victory of brotherhood and love. This story teaches us that any obstacle can be overcome with brotherhood.

Some teachings of Bharat Milap:

  • Brotherhood:  There was an unbreakable brotherhood between Bharat and Ram. We should also live with our brothers and sisters with love and brotherhood.
  • Sacrifice:  Bharat fulfilled his duty towards his brother by renouncing his pleasures. We should also learn to make sacrifices in our life.
  • Love:  There was unwavering love between Bharat and Ram. We also understand the importance of love in our lives.

Ahilya Uddhav: Lord Ram’s compassion and respect for women.

The story of Ahilya’s rescue is one of the famous episodes of Ramayana. This story describes the compassion of Lord Rama and his salvation of Ahalya.


Ahilya was the wife of sage Gautam. Once, in the absence of sage Gautam, Devraj Indra took his form and tricked Ahilya. When sage Gautam returned and discovered this trick, he cursed Ahalya that she would turn into stone. Only the incarnation of Lord Vishnu was able to free Ahilya from this curse.

Years later, when Lord Rama passed by that place during his exile, his foot was inadvertently placed on Ahalya. With its touch, Ahilya came back from her stone form to her original human form. Lord Rama freed her from the curse and showed the importance of women through his story.

importance of story

The story of Ahilya’s salvation symbolizes the compassion of Lord Rama and the importance of respect for women. This story teaches us that one should not punish for mistakes, rather people should be given a chance to improve and atone for their mistakes.

Learning from Ahilya Abhishek

  • Compassion:  Lord Rama opposed punishing someone without knowing their circumstances and showed compassion to Ahalya, leading to her salvation. We should also keep the quality of compassion in life.
  • Forgiveness:  Lord Rama forgives Ahalya for her mistake and frees her from her curse. We should also learn to forgive people and give them the opportunity to move forward in our lives.
  • Women’s respect:  Lord Ram gave importance to women’s respect from his own story. He gave Ahilya a respectable place and through this story taught us the lesson of women’s respect.

Benefits of performing Aarti of Ram Lala

Lord Ram fulfills the wishes of the devotees. Performing Aarti of Ram Lala is believed to have the following benefits:

  • Salvation is attained:  Just by taking the name of Lord Ram one attains salvation and by performing his aarti the devotees attain salvation.
  • Brings happiness and peace:  Performing Aarti of Lord Ram brings happiness and peace in the house and fights etc. end.
  • Negative energy goes away:  Regularly performing Aarti brings positive energy to the house and removes negative energy from the house.
  • Desires of the mind are fulfilled:  By performing Aarti of Ramlala with true heart and faith, the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled.

Along with this, performing Aarti regularly gives religious experience to the person and leads to their spiritual development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some frequently asked questions about Aarti Ram Lalla Ki:

Question 1. At what time should Aarti of Ram Lalla be performed? Answer: Ram Lala Aarti can be performed both in the morning and evening. However, it is considered most auspicious to do it at the time of sunrise and sunset.

Question 2. Should Ram Lalla Aarti be performed daily? Answer: If you want, you can do Ram Lalla ki Aarti daily. You get many spiritual benefits from this. You can even do this on a weekly or monthly basis if you are busy.

Question 3. Can I perform Ramlala Aarti from anywhere? Answer: Yes, you can perform Ramlala Aarti from anywhere. As long as you perform the aarti with reverence and devotion, you will definitely receive blessings.

Question 4. Are there any special rules that I should follow during Aarti? Answer: You should focus on being positive and devotional while performing Aarti. It is advised to keep the place of worship and yourself clean.


Dear friends, now you have understood the importance, method, worship material, and other information of Aarti Ram Lalla. Let us pray to Lord Rama to bring happiness, peace and prosperity in our lives. Jai Shri Ram!

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