Ram Chalisa: The path of devotion, peace, and blessings

पर purva gudekar द्वारा प्रकाशित

Ram Chalisa


Hello Friends! Today we will talk about Ram Chalisa, which is a very important and beloved hymn in Hindu religion. There is immense power contained in these forty quadrupeds filled with immense devotion towards Shri Ram. Let us know about its deep meaning, method of recitation, and amazing benefits of Ram Chalisa.

Ram Chalisa is a devotional poem, which was composed by the great poet Goswami Tulsidas. The word ‘Chalisa’ means ‘forty’. As is clear from the name, there are a total of forty Chaupais in Ram Chalisa, where in each Chaupai, the virtues, bravery and Leelas of Shri Ram have been sung.

Ram Chalisa

॥ दोहा ॥
आदौ राम तपोवनादि गमनं हत्वाह् मृगा काञ्चनं
वैदेही हरणं जटायु मरणं सुग्रीव संभाषणंबाली

निर्दलं समुद्र तरणं लङ्कापुरी दाहनम्
पश्चद्रावनं कुम्भकर्णं हननं एतद्धि रामायणं

॥ चौपाई ॥
श्री रघुबीर भक्त हितकारी ।
सुनि लीजै प्रभु अरज हमारी ॥

निशि दिन ध्यान धरै जो कोई ।
ता सम भक्त और नहिं होई ॥

ध्यान धरे शिवजी मन माहीं ।
ब्रह्मा इन्द्र पार नहिं पाहीं ॥

जय जय जय रघुनाथ कृपाला ।
सदा करो सन्तन प्रतिपाला ॥

दूत तुम्हार वीर हनुमाना ।
जासु प्रभाव तिहूँ पुर जाना ॥

तुव भुजदण्ड प्रचण्ड कृपाला ।
रावण मारि सुरन प्रतिपाला ॥

तुम अनाथ के नाथ गोसाईं ।
दीनन के हो सदा सहाई ॥

ब्रह्मादिक तव पार न पावैं ।
सदा ईश तुम्हरो यश गावैं ॥

चारिउ वेद भरत हैं साखी ।
तुम भक्तन की लज्जा राखी ॥

गुण गावत शारद मन माहीं ।
सुरपति ताको पार न पाहीं ॥ 10 ॥

नाम तुम्हार लेत जो कोई ।
ता सम धन्य और नहिं होई ॥

राम नाम है अपरम्पारा ।
चारिहु वेदन जाहि पुकारा ॥

गणपति नाम तुम्हारो लीन्हों ।
तिनको प्रथम पूज्य तुम कीन्हों ॥

शेष रटत नित नाम तुम्हारा ।
महि को भार शीश पर धारा ॥

फूल समान रहत सो भारा ।
पावत कोउ न तुम्हरो पारा ॥

भरत नाम तुम्हरो उर धारो ।
तासों कबहुँ न रण में हारो ॥

नाम शत्रुहन हृदय प्रकाशा ।
सुमिरत होत शत्रु कर नाशा ॥

लषन तुम्हारे आज्ञाकारी ।
सदा करत सन्तन रखवारी ॥

ताते रण जीते नहिं कोई ।
युद्ध जुरे यमहूँ किन होई ॥

महा लक्ष्मी धर अवतारा ।
सब विधि करत पाप को छारा ॥ 20 ॥

सीता राम पुनीता गायो ।
भुवनेश्वरी प्रभाव दिखायो ॥

घट सों प्रकट भई सो आई ।
जाको देखत चन्द्र लजाई ॥

सो तुमरे नित पांव पलोटत ।
नवो निद्धि चरणन में लोटत ॥

सिद्धि अठारह मंगल कारी ।
सो तुम पर जावै बलिहारी ॥

औरहु जो अनेक प्रभुताई ।
सो सीतापति तुमहिं बनाई ॥

इच्छा ते कोटिन संसारा ।
रचत न लागत पल की बारा ॥

जो तुम्हरे चरनन चित लावै ।
ताको मुक्ति अवसि हो जावै ॥

सुनहु राम तुम तात हमारे ।
तुमहिं भरत कुल- पूज्य प्रचारे ॥

तुमहिं देव कुल देव हमारे ।
तुम गुरु देव प्राण के प्यारे ॥

जो कुछ हो सो तुमहीं राजा ।
जय जय जय प्रभु राखो लाजा ॥ 30 ॥

रामा आत्मा पोषण हारे ।
जय जय जय दशरथ के प्यारे ॥

जय जय जय प्रभु ज्योति स्वरूपा ।
निगुण ब्रह्म अखण्ड अनूपा ॥

सत्य सत्य जय सत्य- ब्रत स्वामी ।
*सत्य सनातन अन्तर्यामी ॥

सत्य भजन तुम्हरो जो गावै ।
सो निश्चय चारों फल पावै ॥

सत्य शपथ गौरीपति कीन्हीं ।
तुमने भक्तहिं सब सिद्धि दीन्हीं ॥

ज्ञान हृदय दो ज्ञान स्वरूपा ।
नमो नमो जय जापति भूपा ॥

धन्य धन्य तुम धन्य प्रतापा ।
नाम तुम्हार हरत संतापा ॥

सत्य शुद्ध देवन मुख गाया ।
बजी दुन्दुभी शंख बजाया ॥

सत्य सत्य तुम सत्य सनातन ।
तुमहीं हो हमरे तन मन धन ॥

याको पाठ करे जो कोई ।
ज्ञान प्रकट ताके उर होई ॥ 40 ॥

आवागमन मिटै तिहि केरा ।
सत्य वचन माने शिव मेरा ॥

और आस मन में जो ल्यावै ।
तुलसी दल अरु फूल चढ़ावै ॥

साग पत्र सो भोग लगावै ।
सो नर सकल सिद्धता पावै ॥

अन्त समय रघुबर पुर जाई ।
जहाँ जन्म हरि भक्त कहाई ॥

श्री हरि दास कहै अरु गावै ।
सो वैकुण्ठ धाम को पावै ॥

॥ दोहा ॥
सात दिवस जो नेम कर पाठ करे चित लाय ।
हरिदास हरिकृपा से अवसि भक्ति को पाय ॥

राम चालीसा जो पढ़े रामचरण चित लाय ।
जो इच्छा मन में करै सकल सिद्ध हो जाय ॥

Importance of Ram Chalisa

Recitation of Ram Chalisa with a true heart is considered fruitful in many ways:

  • Freedom from fear and anxiety: Recitation of Ram Chalisa boosts self-confidence and provides strength to face challenges in life.
  • Peace of mind: This devotional stotra gives peace and relaxation to your mind.
  • Divine Feeling: It is believed that reciting Ram Chalisa brings blessings of Shri Ram and paves the way for progress in life.
  • Fulfillment of desires: Prayers done with a true heart and chanting the name of Ram can be helpful in fulfillment of desires.

How to recite Ram chalisa?

The text of Ram Chalisa is very simple. You can do this at any time; However, it is extremely auspicious to recite it in the morning or evening.

Method of worship:

  1. Take bath and wear clean clothes.
  2. Prepare a worship place and install the idol or picture of Shri Ram.
  3. Light incense sticks and lamps.
  4. Offer flowers to Shri Ram.
  5. Start reciting Ram Chalisa by meditating on Shri Ramchandra ji with full devotion and faith.

Story of Shri Ram

Reciting the story of Shri Ram briefly before or after Ram Chalisa further increases its power. You can quote some incidents from Sunderkand of Ramayana.

True experiences of devotees

People’s faith in Shri Ram Katha and Ram Chalisa is unwavering. Many such true incidents are heard where miracles have happened in the lives of Ram devotees. You can share some similar experiences in brief.

Questions related to Ram Chalisa (FAQs)

  • How many times should Ram Chalisa be recited? You can read it as many times as you want as per your convenience. One, three, seven, or eleven times – there are no restrictions.
  • Can women also recite Ram Chalisa? Absolutely! Devotion to Ram is not caste or gender based. Any person can recite Ram Chalisa with a true heart.
  • Is there any specific day for reciting Ram Chalisa? Although you can read it on any day, Tuesday and Saturday are considered the days of Hanuman ji, who is the biggest devotee of Shri Ram.


Friends, Shri Ramchandra ji is called Maryada Purushottam. His life shows us the path of truth, religion and sacrifice. By regular recitation of Ram Chalisa, we can get inspiration to follow the path shown by Lord Ram. Let us pray to Lord Rama to bring happiness, peace and prosperity in our lives.

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