Sri Mayuresh Strotra with Meaning

पर user द्वारा प्रकाशित

shree mayuresh strotra

Lord Ganesha has many divine forms, and one of them is the form of Mayureshwar. In this form, riding on a peacock, a symbol of wisdom and victory, he grants fearlessness to the devotees. Shri Mayuresh Stotra is a devotional hymn of this form, and the special blessings of Ganapati are showered on the one who recites this stotra with a true heart.

Importance of Shri Mayuresh Stotra

  • Troubleshooting: Do you have dilemmas in your mind? Or, are life’s obstacles troubling you? If so, recitation of Sri Mayuresh Stotra may help you. Through this stotra one gets the blessings of Lord Ganesha which removes the troubles of life.
  • Wish Fulfillment: By chanting this stotra with a true heart, all your dreams can come true.
  • Peace in mind: The melodious tune of Shri Mayuresh Stotra soothes your ears as well as your soul.

How To Worship

  1. Purification is important: Before any puja, the most important thing is purification of body and mind. Therefore, take bath and wear clean clothes.
  2. Place of worship: If possible, install a picture or idol of Shri Mayureshwar in the home temple or a clean place.
  3. Lamp and offering: Offer laddus to Lord Ganesha and light a lamp and incense in front of him.
  4. Concentration: Sit in front of the image of Ganesha and start the recitation with concentration.

Sri Mayuresh Stotra (full text)

अथ श्री मयूरेश स्तोत्

पुराणपुरुषं देवं नानाक्रीडाकरं मुदा।
मायाविनं दुर्विभाव्यं मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

Lord Brahma said – I bow to Mayuresh Ganesha, who is a great man and happily performs various types of sports, who is the master of Maya and whose form is invincible.

परात्परं चिदानन्दं निर्विकारं हृदि स्थितम्।
गुणातीतं गुणमयं मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I salute Mayuresh, who is supreme, blissful, fearless, infinitely present in everyone’s heart and full of qualities.

सृजन्तं पालयन्तं च संहरन्तं निजेच्छया।
सर्वविघ्नहरं देवं मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I bow to Mayuresh, the destroyer of all obstacles, who creates and destroys the world willingly.

नानादैत्यनिहन्तारं नानारूपाणि बिभ्रतम्।
नानायुधधरं भक्त्या मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I bow with devotion to Mayuresh, who is the destroyer of the lives of many demons and who assumes various forms.

सदसद्व्यक्तमव्यक्तं मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I bow to Mayuresh, who is praised day and night by the community of Gods like Indra and who is true, false, manifest and unmanifested.

सर्वशक्तिमयं देवं सर्वरूपधरं विभुम्।
सर्वविद्याप्रवक्तारं मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I bow to Lord Mayuresh who is omnipotent, omnipresent and the spokesperson of all knowledge.

पार्वतीनन्दनं शम्भोरानन्दपरिवर्धनम्।
भक्तानन्दकरं नित्यं मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I daily salute that devotee Anandvardhan Mayuresh who gives joy to Goddess Parvati in the form of a son and also increases the joy of Lord Shankar.

मुनिध्येयं मुनिनुतं मुनिकामप्रपूरकम्।
समष्टिव्यष्टिरूपं त्वां मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I pay my respects to Mayuresh in the individual form, on whom the sages meditate, on whose praises the sages sing and who fulfills the wishes of the sages.

सर्वाज्ञाननिहन्तारं सर्वज्ञानकरं शुचिम्।
सत्यज्ञानमयं सत्यं मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I salute Mayuresh who is the remover of ignorance about all things, the originator of complete knowledge, the pure, the embodiment of true knowledge and the bearer of the true name.

अनेककोटिब्रह्माण्डनायकं जगदीश्वरम्।
अनन्तविभवं विष्णुं मयूरेशं नमाम्यहम्॥

I bow to Mayuresh who is the hero of the multi-million universe, Jagdishwar, the infinite glory-filled and omnipresent form of Vishnu.

मयूरेश उवाच
इदं ब्रह्मकरं स्तोत्रं सर्वपापप्रनाशनम्।
सर्वकामप्रदं नृणां सर्वोपद्रवनाशनम्॥
कारागृहगतानां च मोचनं दिनसप्तकात्।
आधिव्याधिहरं चैव भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं शुभम्॥

Mayuresh said,
“This stotra leads to the attainment of Brahmabhav and is the destroyer of all sins. He is the one who provides all the desired things to humans and quenches all the troubles. If it is recited for seven days, it frees even the person in prison. This auspicious stotra also removes mental worries and ailments i.e. all diseases and provides enjoyment and salvation.”

Lord Ganesha has incarnated in many forms for the welfare of the world. These forms of his have been described in this Mayuresh Stotra.

In this stotra Brahmaji says that Lord Ganapati is the destroyer of many demons and takes different forms and does welfare of the world.

Lord Ganesha’s name is taken first among all the gods. Lord Ganesha is also worshiped by the gods. Brahmaji himself describes his glory in Mayuresh Stotra.

An excerpt from the story of the origin of Mayureshwar

  • Terror of Sindhurasur: It is said that a long time ago a powerful demon named Sindhurasur had attacked Devlok. Even the gods were becoming weak in front of his power.
  • Prayer to Ganesha: The distressed gods took refuge in Lord Ganesha and prayed for protection from Sindhurasur.
  • Made peacock his vehicle: Ganeshji made peacock his vehicle for this war. This form of his was called Mayureshwar. In this form, he killed Sindhurasur with great bravery.

Best time to recite Shri Mayuresh Stotra

Shri Mayuresh Stotra can be recited at any time of the year. However, reciting it on the day of Sankashti Chaturthi gives special auspicious results.

Other benefits of reciting Shri Mayuresh Stotra

  • Freedom from fear:  By reciting Shri Mayuresh Stotra all the fears of a person are eliminated.
  • Prevention from diseases:  The one who recites this stotra is not affected by diseases by the grace of Lord Mayureshwar.

Sri Mayureshwar Temple

  • Location of the temple: The famous temple of Shri Mayureshwar is situated at a place called Morgaon, near Pune, Maharashtra. This temple is one of the eight major temples of Lord Ganesha, Ashtavinayak.
  • Specialty of the temple: One specialty of this temple is that here Lord Ganesha is riding on a peacock. There are high walls around the temple and towers at all four corners.
  • Devotees’ belief: It is believed that in times of crisis, by meditating on Shri Mayureshwar and reciting his stotra, all obstacles are removed.

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